Release's blog

Guest blog entry by Jessica Magson whose research shows what lessons can be learnt within the UK from recent reform in Portugal, Czech Republic & Uruguay.
Have you been following the story of the Silk Road online drug bazaar? One of our solicitors, Robert Jappie, explores what impact the shutdown of the Silk Road will have.
One of Release's solicitors, Daniel Rourke, gives an insight into an afternoon at one of his legal & welfare surgeries.
Kirstie Douse, Head of Legal Services, discusses proposals to kick people out of their homes if they, or someone else living at or visiting the property, are convicted of certain drug offences.
Release's researcher Caitlin Oddy, analyses the MPS's stop and search data. She discusses how racial disparity is evident at every level of the criminal justice system, even when previous convictions are isolated from the data.
