Crack cocaine

Harm Reduction

Crack and ‘Freebase’ are extremely compulsive, short-acting and fast-acting.  Remember that the more is used the more difficult the crash will be. However, the worst usually only lasts an hour and the body will rebalance itself after this. Attempting to stay high is futile, some people suggest a few moderate dose of diazepam or a similar anxiolytic can ease the ‘come-down’.

Crack can make you very paranoid and potentially aggressive. Try to stay in company you trust and in a setting you have some control of.

Mixing with alcohol produces a liver toxic compound called cocaethylene. This can also cause irregular heart rhythms.

Ammonia appears to do real damage to the lungs, particularly because the drug is often not dried properly before it is smoked, thus one inhales ammonia fumes. This can be rinsed out with water.

It is not unknown for people to use half an ounce (14grams) in a binge session. This will cost a significant amount of money. If you set yourself an affordable limit (having paid for your necessities before buying crack- and stick to it.

Crack can have a strong aphrodisiac effect, be aware of safe sexual practices.