
Harm Reduction

Some specialist services do an overdose prevention training protocol that includes naloxone. Find out if you can get you or a family member involved if there is a risk of an opiate overdose.

Some overdoses are the result of mixing opioids and benzos, resulting in acute respiratory depression, where this is the case a benzodiazepine antagonist (Flumazanil) would be indicated.

In many cases where people come round from an emergency Narcan shot, they will be in withdrawal. It is wise to exercise some caution before trying to dispel the condition with a normal dose of opiate. Narcan is active for about 45+ minutes in the body.  This means that if you give someone Narcan to reverse an opioid overdose, the Narcan may wear off before the effects of the opioids wear off and to use on top of this can be very dangerous. If the Narcan is still active at the receptor the opiate will not be felt, causing frustration and perhaps leading to the situation outlined above by the time the user has sorted out the next ‘hit’.